Creating laboratory models for biological entities, I look at the biosystems through the window of Physics.


Biological cells are highly crowded with multiple macromolecules. Functioning of each molecule depends on their spatial structural configuration and time dependent dynamics they execute. As each molecule is under the action of multiple potentials, a biological cell becomes a complex and crowded entity. In our laboratory, we create models that can extract information about cellular molecular properties. We extensively employ high pulsed-field gradients (18 T/m) in a dedicated diffusion probe for a 600 MHz nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer, small angle neutron scattering experiments, and rheology techniques in our research. I actively collaborate with scientists from NIST, USA, and CNRS, France. For details on my research and experimental expertise, please refer to my CV.

Curriculum Vitae

Other passions

  • Apart from being a researcher, I am a Harikatha performer (a South Indian art form) and have performed for various stages across Canada and abroad.
  • As well, I was elected for the leadership committee of biopolymers in vivo group of Biophysical society as a graduate student representative 2021, I work in the board of directors,
  • I am the physics representative at the Graduate Student Union.
  • I lead the MUN residence association as a President of the team, and I act as a Vice President for external affairs in the International Students Resource Centre for the term 2020-2021.